Richards Pipe & Steel, Inc. has the capacity to splice your pipe to length using the fully automated submerged arc weld process to the latest revision of AWS D1.1. or any other project specifications.
We can saw cut pipe up to 18” OD and miter cut up to 12-3/4” OD. We can burn cut straight or beveled using our “auto-picle” pipe sizes 20” – 96” OD. In addition, we can attach end plates, pile tips or pile shoes to your piling or jackshaft orders. We can handle any fabrication that is required with your order requirements to give you the “Full Service” you want and expect. Richards Pipe & Steel, Inc. has distinguished themselves as a “Full Service” supplier to the many construction trades in WA, OR, AK, ID, CA, MT & Canada.
Richards Pipe & Steel has AWS & WABO certified welders who can perform quality fabrication work. With two automated sub-arc weld lines dedicated to splicing pipe piles, we can cover your project requirements up to 175’ max. 18” bandsaw allows us to square cut and miter cut your steel needs. 20” and above we can cut to length using the “Auto-Picle” which can perform square, bevel & invert beveled ends. We weld up spin fins, end plates or perform any minor fab work you need.

Trench Box Spreaders/Pins and Keepers
We custom cut to size pipe for your trench box needs. We can also burn holes per your manufacturers’ recommendations. Solid round bar pins with keepers are made here at Richards Pipe & Steel, Inc.
Pile Tips, Pile Shoes, Conical Points
Richards Pipe & Steel stocks domestic & import cast steel pile tips for H-pile, pile shoes for pipe piles – inside fit and outside fit, & conical points for pipe piles. Specs are ASTM A27 Grade 65/35, ASTM A148 Grade 80/50 and Grade 90/60. Our certified welders can attach those cost-saving tips per your project specifications every time.
Custom Build Jack Shafts
Richards Pipe & Steel has AWS D1.1 (latest revision) & WABO certified welders on staff who can perform quality fabrication work. We supply pipe, end plates, fabrication & delivery to your job-site.
Our Delivery Trucks
With our own trucks, we can better ensure your order is delivered on time and within budget.